Showing 49 Result(s)
New Team Member Charlie, holding his dachshund Elvis.
BB News

BB Team Update: Welcome to Charlie & Elvis

It’s not every day that we get to add a new pet parent to the Bounce and Bella team, but it’s always an exciting time when we do!  As you’ve probably seen from Friday’s email and blog post, Charlie is joining the Bounce and Bella team helping us manage our new warehouse, and he has …

A older Labrador sitting staring at the camera with a blurred background of a field.
BB News

What to do if you find a Lost Dog

Your dog going missing is probably every Pet Parent’s worst nightmare, and we already know so much on how to keep our dogs safe and put in place dog theft prevention. But what do you do if you find a lost dog? What steps should you take to ensure that you can reunite a lost …

Newest Taste-Team Member, a daushaund, sitting on the carpet in a. cardigan.
BB News

Who is the Newest Taste Team Member?

At the beginning of June, I mentioned we’d hired a new team member to help Andy with stock and suppliers and so forth – well, very excitingly for all of us – he starts first thing Monday. And you may remember that the first thing we asked was, “Do you have a dog?” Well, here …

Driving Test for Dogs Feature Photo of Darren's certificate.
BB News

Driving Test for Dogs

Hello, you lovely Pet Parent, you! *smiley face* Driving Instructor A few lifetimes ago, I was a driving instructor.  It’s one of those jobs where you’re given lots of theory training, but nothing prepares you for that first day of lessons with real unique, unpredictable people.  It was an experience and a questioning mindset that …

Bounce and Bella News Update: a question mark with the silhouette of a person's head in the curve of the question mark.
BB News

Bounce and Bella Update – Prime, New and Newish…

Hello, you lovely, Pet Parent, you! 😊 Back in Stock & Prime Day is Coming… We’re still in stock! It’s been one heck of a struggle, but things are getting easier – although I’m knocking on wood as I type – easy when you type with one finger. We’re even in stock for the notoriously …

Walking on Sunshine: Back in Stock Sale Feature Photo of a long haired dachshund sitting in the sun.
Competitions & Offers

Walking on Sunshine: Back in Stock Sale

Hello, you lovely Pet Parent, you! via GIPHY We’re Back in Stock! It’s been a wonderful last week or so. Why’s that? Because not only did UK’s James Newman just win the Eurovision edition of BBC One’s Pointless… We’re back in stock for everything!!! Yay! (apart from pig ear stripes, sprats and treat balls 😞 …

For an exciting summer, Oscar a beige lurcher is sitting on the sofa as his pet parent present shim with a one year gotcha dog cake.
BB News

An Exciting Summer Coming Up!

Hello, you, Lovely Pet Parent you! Are you ready to hear about the exciting Summer we have coming up? It’s an exciting Summer coming up… Corona is on the retreat, and soon soon soon we’ll be able to meet and greet our family and friends as we should be able to and like we could… …

A Selection of Bounce and Bella Grain-Free Treats
BB News

Bounce and Bella Update: Stock and Emails

Just a quick catchup to let you know what’s happening with Bounce and Bella. Out of Stock Items The main issue for us all is the out of stock items. That is in the process of very nearly being sorted. Many of the main products are back in stock, and those that aren’t are due …

Photograph of a 2kg Bag of Angus Beef Dog Food.
BB News

Dog Food Problems & Solutions…

Double troublings… At the beginning of this year, we faced two pricing issues affecting our tasty grain-free dog food. Ingredient prices going up. Courier prices going up. In most circumstances that would force us to push prices up for you too (similar pressure is building with the treats). However, the ever-inventive Andy has managed to …