A Selection of Bounce and Bella Grain-Free Treats
Competitions & Offers

Grain-Free Day Offer!

Hello, you loveliest Pet Parent you! Sorrel & Pizza Many years ago, Gill and I had a gorgeous Belgian Shepherd called Sorrel, who struggled with itching and digestion problems like many dogs.  We never did manage to get a diagnosis. Then just a few years ago, after a pizza for dinner and a few real …

A Labrador Retrievar in a bathtub being washed by their owner looking very happy.

Our Role as Pet Parents – Pt 1

Pet Parents and Guardians For me, the term ‘Pet Parent’ applies to all our lovely Bounce and Bella customers. Because we all care and are concerned deeply about our dogs. We’ve taken on a parenting role rather than just the role of owner. I bring this up because for Christmas every year I create a …

A Picture of a Black Pug sitting on the pavement with a veterinary cone around it's head.

Vets for Free

As pet parents, our dogs start showing us they are suffering, but we don’t know how bad it is, we wonder whether we should be getting in touch with the vets – is it serious enough? Are we wasting their time and ours? Dogs hide injuries or illnesses… However, dogs, because of their previous wolf …

Bounce and Bella Valentine's Day Dog
Competitions & Offers

Bounce and Bella’s Valentine’s Day Competition

*Competition Closed 15th February 2021. Congratulations to our Valentine’s Day Winner Abby Howell and her wonderful band of dogs.* *And a shoutout to our honourable mentions too: Ama, Amy, Rachel and Samantha!* Valentine’s Day Competition Aka “Happy Valentine’s Day” Valentine’s – the day we get to show our love to those special dogs (and sometimes …

A picture of a pug curled up on the floor looking sad.

What are Animal Derivatives, and why are they AWFUL?

Today I’m clambering onto my high horse and talking animal derivatives… What are animal derivatives? Animal or meat derivatives can legally come from ANY part of an animal. Beaks, heads, claws etc. they all get dumped in the leftover bucket and ground into a usable ‘ingredient’. But even worse they can come from ANY animal… …

Photograph of a 2kg Bag of Angus Beef Dog Food.
BB News

Dog Food Problems & Solutions…

Double troublings… At the beginning of this year, we faced two pricing issues affecting our tasty grain-free dog food. Ingredient prices going up. Courier prices going up. In most circumstances that would force us to push prices up for you too (similar pressure is building with the treats). However, the ever-inventive Andy has managed to …

Absence Blog Photo
BB News

Sometimes it’s the Absence…

Trip Away to Galloway! Hello Fellow Pet Parent! So… we did manage to go wild camping in Galloway last weekend – just squeezed in before the local lockdown began. We went a bit further this year, hiking for 5 hours up the hills until we were literally miles away from anyone. via GIPHY We were …

BB Archive BB News

Bounce and Bella’s Delivery during COVID-19

Like us, you are probably shocked by the sudden and rapid escalation of both the virus and the actions being taken to stop the spread of COVID-19. We use a fulfilment company who we are happy to have a good plan in place to cope with the health, staffing and logistical issues. If that situation …