reverse toffee apples
Bounce and Bella Blog Health

Reverse Toffee Apples…

Reverse Toffee Apples…


Would you eat a reverse toffee apple every single day of your life?

Reverse toffee apple?

Something that had the skin of an apple on the outside but was toffee on the inside.

Let me explain…

When you first joined us at Bounce and Bella you probably got an email from me explaining why we’re totally committed to no-nasties in your dog’s goodies.

It described how I became painfully sensitive to grain.

And at that point realised what my old dog Sorrel had been going through in her later years… because of what I’d unwittingly been feeding her.

That sudden light-headed feeling as the blood drains… realisation then guilt.

However we were in the unique position of actually being able to do something about it.

We stopped selling any products containing grain or derivatives.

Sounds easy –  but when you’re a little company deliberately removing some of your most profitable products – it’s a big risk.


They’re kinda like reverse toffee apples

What I didn’t talk about was the other side of the coin, the ying to the yang, the Dick to the Dom.

Grain and derivatives are there instead of what?

It’s the ‘what’ that Sorrel was missing when we bought cheap and nasties from big business brands.

For example, those ‘treats’ which if you look closely enough are only 4% chicken and 96% grain/derivatives.

They’re kinda like reverse toffee apples.

They look like apples. 

Red, green and shiny they appear delicious.

But they’re 96% toffee and only 4% apple.

It sounds like toffee is the major issue but it’s only half the problem.

The other part of the problem is that you’re not getting the lovely nutritious apple.


No toffee… All apple

If you had to eat reverse toffee apple every single day of your life you’d hugely miss that tasty apple and it’s nutritious vitamins and minerals.

Snacks matter. An apple a day and all that.

What we’re trying to do at Bounce and Bella is offer up the doggie equivalent of deliciously healthy 100% apple snacks.

No toffee… All apple

Our dogs deserve so much better than big brand’s reverse toffee apples.

Over the coming months we’re adding some new treats to our roster for your dog to try.

You’ve chosen Bounce and Bella for a reason so naturally there will be no nasties allowed.

But equally they’ll be full of tasty and nutritious ingredients.

We are really, really looking forward to bringing them to you but in the meantime…

Have yourself the absolute loveliest of weekends,



Next weekend is Crufts so watch out for next Friday’s email.

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