Showing 120 Result(s)
senior dog on a senior dog food diet lying in the grass

When You Should Put Your Senior Dog on a Senior Dog Food Diet

As Pet Parents, we’re probably more conscious than most of what we’re feeding our dogs when we’re feeding them and even how we’re feeding them. After all, we want to ensure that our beloved four-legged friends receive the best and want to make sure that they stay strong, healthy and happy too.  Often these thoughts …

why play is important for dogs feature photo of a jack Russell playing with a ball

Why Play is Important for Dogs

Sometimes as Pet Parents, it can be easy to lose ourselves in training, reading the various articles relating to canine health or becoming too focused on daily walks and practising recall that we forget one of the most important things we can do with our dogs. Play! We all know that play can be incredibly …

Egg Box Treat DIY Happiness Game for Dog Feature Photo: A packet of grain-free poultry treats with an egg box carton.

‘Egg Box Treats’ – DIY Brain Games for Dogs

Hello, you Lovely Pet Parent you! Another fantastically easy DIY game for dogs and a great one for newbies to start learning the ways of the Happiness Games. If you haven’t already, check out Monday’s fantastically easy DIY game – The Treat Roll! What do you need? Egg carton (cardboard version) Deliciously healthy Bounce and …

Treat Roll Game Feature Photo: A Hand holding packet of grain-free training treats with a toilet roll holder.

‘Treat Roll’ – DIY Brain Games for Dogs

Hello, you Lovely Pet Parent, you! This could quite possibly be the easiest DIY game for dogs ever, but it works soooo well. What do you need for the Treat Roll Game? Toilet or kitchen roll (the cardboard roll inside) Deliciously healthy Bounce and Bella grain-free training treats – YUM! How to do it? Fold …

A close up shot of a dog sniffing at the camera showing dog's sense of smell

Your Dog’s Sense of Smell

Your dog’s sense of smell is incredible, and it’s their most dominant sense. For humans, it’s sight, and for dogs it’s smell. If aliens arrived and told us that they ‘see’ the world via their noses, we’d be amazed. And yet, we have fully paid-up aliens living in our houses, taking in the world around …

Roscoe, a long-haired white German Shepard running in a. field on a sniff walk

Sniff Walk – Sniffing & Happiness for Dogs

Have you ever given your dog a sniff walk? A sniff walk probably means all sorts of different things to different people – but for me, it means a walk for your dog with the main aim being to give them licence to go sniffing like crazy. It’s different from our usual walk. With Roscoe, …

The Best Ways to Greet a Dog Feature Photo: A white toy poodle sitting down with it's paw raised in the air like it is waving.

The 7 Best Ways to Greet a Dog For the First Time

As we come out of lockdown here in the UK, it’s a time of hope and excitement. After a long winter, it’s an opportunity for us to reunite with friends and family, whether in our gardens or local parks.  It’s also a time of excitement as it brings the opportunity to finally meet the furry …

Rambo and Oscar, two jack Russell terriers standing next to a bag of grain-free dog food

Rambo and Oscar: Switching Over to Grain-Free Food

Hello! Wonderful Pet Parents! It’s great to be back on the blog, and don’t worry, I’m not taking over, and Darren will be back with his regular blog posts shortly.  If you don’t know me already, I’m Hannah. I’ve been working at Bounce and Bella for almost a year now – time flies when you’re …

Rambo, a white and tan jack Russell terrier that suffers from hay fever.

Hay Fever In Dogs

Hello, again, Wonderful Pet Parents!  It’s been a while since I last took over the blog, but this week, I decided to step away from my customer service desk to write this post all about hay fever in dogs!  I know, you’re probably thinking ‘hay fever in dogs? Does that even happen?’ I know that …

A black dog standing outside playing catch. Taken mid catch, the dog's mouth is open and eyes focused on the treat.

Playing Catch: Level Two

Oooh, so you think your dog is ready for Level Two? You got big dreams? Well, being awesome at Playing Catch costs and right here’s where you start paying… in sweat! I hope you kept scrolling because I may have got a bit over-excited there and accidentally quoted the Eighties’ superhit TV show ‘Fame’. It’s …