Dog Treat Multipacks
BB News Competitions & Offers

Don’t forget about… Multipacks

Don’t forget about them… Multipacks


Multipacks – Always here for you…


So I was chatting to someone yesterday and they had no idea we did multipacks of treats.

That’s a big communication fail on our part.

You can use the multipack collections to get your dog’s favourite treats at a hefty discount – up to £19 off in some cases!

You can find the multipacks here:

They’ll always be there for ongoing, lovely discounts.


If you buy anything from our multipacks collections over the weekend you’ll get a free pack of Sprats but only if you follow the steps…



Grab a Multipack and get a Free Pack of Sprats…


How to claim your free pack of sprats?

This won’t happen automatically, we’re confined by our software in what we can do, so this is how to do it…

  1. Grab your dog’s favourites in the multipacks here:
  2. THEN Pop a pack of Sprats in your basket – essential step!
  3. Add code Sprats at checkout

That’s it – be sure to add the sprats to your basket – as we can’t do it afterwards!
This offer ends Monday 26/9/22 or if the sprats run out!

Enjoy your weekend, don’t know what it’s like with you but it’s looking a lot brighter up here 😊 — fingers crossed it’s a lovely couple of days for you and your dawg,



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ein binance Konto er"offnen
ein binance Konto er"offnen
8 days ago

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!