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the carrot snaffle game

The Carrot Snaffle Game – DIY Happiness Games for Dogs

It is a fact universally acknowledged that dogs love carrots. Well, not a 100% guaranteed fact, but it’s true that most dogs do enjoy a good nibble on a carrot top from time to time.  That’s why this week, we decided to attempt the Carrot Snaffle Game. The Carrot Snaffle Game is a fun game …

A black dog standing outside playing catch. Taken mid catch, the dog's mouth is open and eyes focused on the treat.

Playing Catch: Level Two

Oooh, so you think your dog is ready for Level Two? You got big dreams? Well, being awesome at Playing Catch costs and right here’s where you start paying… in sweat! I hope you kept scrolling because I may have got a bit over-excited there and accidentally quoted the Eighties’ superhit TV show ‘Fame’. It’s …

Sebastian, a Black and White Miniature Schnauzer in the Garden playing catch with a treat.

Playing Catch: Level One

Such a lot of fun from such a simple game. This focus game is called ‘Playing Catch’ because it doesn’t really matter if your dog catches the treats or not – it’s really just playing the game that’s important. Why is that? That’s because whether they catch or not, what we’re doing is grabbing their …

Roscoe's The Eyes Have It Part Two Feature Image.

The Eyes Have It: Part Two

We need to earn our dog’s focus now – so we can ask for it when we need it. How do you know when your dog is focused on you? When they’re looking, you bang in the eyes – the eyes have it! via GIPHY If you haven’t tried out The Eyes Have It Part …

The Eye's Have It Feature Photo: Roscoe Lying on the Carpet with a Toy In Front of Him

The Eyes Have It: Part One

John Bercow became worldwide famous during the Brexit debates. Whatever you thought about him, he was ALWAYS right about one thing (although his spelling was off …) via GIPHY In terms of relationship and training, one of the most important things our dogs can give us is their focus. How do you know if your …