The Look of Love is in your Eyes…
There’s a unique and special bond between a dog and their mum.
So much so that when I found the photo of Roscoe looking lovingly at Gill my internal soundtrack kicked in immediately.
The exquisite and utterly heartfelt sound of Dusty Springfield…
The look of loveIs in your eyes
The look your smile can’t disguise
The look of love
Is saying so much more
Than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard
Well it takes my breath away
Dusty Springfield ‘The Look Of Love’
Following the success of last year’s Mother’s Day competition we’re running it again.
For the winning Doggie Mama a bunch of gorgeous flowers straight from Bloom & Wild.
And for the winning dog their favourite multipack of treats.
It’s easy to enter
- Simply add your Look of Love photo in the comments.
- Wait and see if Lucy gets in touch next week to tell you you’ve won.
- That’s it.
Pop that photo in now before you forget because the competition ends Midnight Sunday (27-3-22).
Flowers and treats go to one lucky winner and Lucy will be in touch to let the winner know during the week.
Have a lovely Doggie Mother’s Day Weekend – it’s looking gorgeous!
Competition ends Midnight Sunday 27th 2022 with the winner notified by the end of the week.
And the Winner is …
Congratulations to Freja and August – Lucy will be in touch shortly with news of flowers and treats!
This is Teddy ❤️ Very proud of himself having had under duvet bedtime shenanigans, nipped Mummy’s toes and made her squeal, before climbing her torso and popping his head out to say ‘I love you Mummy (& I love it when you squeal! 😜)’
The cutest little mummy’s boy in all the land! (Biased, obvs. 😁)
My Girlie Ginny, only 10 months, after a fun time splashing through muddy puddles, we got home and had a bath so we could rock our new Ruff and Tumble drying jacket whilst waiting very patiently for her dinner! ❤️ 💜
She’s always so happy and I couldn’t imagine life without her now ❤️
My boy Zeus ❤❤ he’s made me love life again ❤ ❤
Luther my fur baby when he was a puppy
My Romanian rescue Jess. Looking very happy and loved up after her first ever play in mud puddles 🥰
This is our rescue Pipa when she first came home from Spain. We had only had her for a week when this was taken and it was love at first sight for all parties concerned! ❤️ Sam x
“I love you mama!” This is Vince, my three year old fox red lab. He regularly cuddles right up to me and looks at me like I’m a Deity of some sort! XX
The look of love from wonky wanda
This is Macy. She is a 15 month old golden retriever who loves anything to do with water, mud and the outdoors. When relaxing she loves to lie on her mommy’s feet. This pic was taken just before she got some of her bounce and Bella fish treats which is her fave.
This is my 7 month old boy Charlie. He loves spending time with everyone and has to lie down on walks whenever he sees anyone or another dog and won’t move until he’s said hello 👋
This our 12 week old Australian Labradoodle, Roland. We are exhausted! But in love. Bounce & Bella treats are helping with Roland’s training. Here he is sitting like a good boy, looking up at me!
This is Hunny loving snuggling down on mummy’s pillow. One of her favourite spots for a nap 😍
My Beautiful girl Gracie
This is The Gustard Muttface trying to show his devotion… to the cake I am eating 🐾🐾
Here’s Molly putting on her best smile.
Hi my name is Dottie 🙂 I am a 17 month old British bulldog and I love going out on walks! 🙂
Hi, my name is Spikey and my mums name is Julia,, we have been together for 16 years and have a lot of fun and long cuddles. I help my Mum with guiding her around the house and giving her support when she is struggling generally, I am retiring soon and training my friend Fonzi, to do the same job, with love, SPIKEY, FONZI AND JULIA XXXXXXXX
Total love
This is the look when Coco wants to cuddle with me but is being hold by hubby lol
Long day running catching jumping had lunch now time for a nap.
My Luna posing beautifully to show off her heart-shaped side markings.
This is Sasha, Cappuccino’s sister, with her ‘Markie Mouth’.
She of often goes for a walk like this, so her Brother can’t steal it!
Her greatest love in life is to fetch a ball, whether on the beach, in a field or on our bed at midnight, when we are watching a late night film.
This is our darling Shih-poo named Cappuccino, Cino for short.
He communicates with us by tapping his front paw on to our arms, then looks at us so lovingly that we simply can’t resist!
His biggest love in life is to sit by my Husband when he is fishing, watching the float for hours, then want’s to see and kiss every fish that is caught.
This is Ollie my Cavapoo. He is 16 months and has been my salvation through the things we have all endured recently. I walk him at least twice a day and have met so many lovely dogs with their pawparents through having him. He is a very sociable chap, loving both humans and dogs. Love him to bits.
This is Nellie my daughter’s little Cavachon. In our house of dogs (I have Guide Dog puppies) Nellie is always around to make us laugh, sort out any puppy naughtiness, be our watchdog and generally provide her very own brand of love and devotion. A very special little dog.
Ray is not a super cuddly dog, actually we both like our alone time, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. Knowing that the other one of us is always around is a gift and we show each other our appreciation every day. 🙂
CJ is the sweetest little pooch – full of love and kisses (especially for my husband). Alas, in this photo she was actually gazing at a pigeon in my parent’s garden!
My sweet August is so loving. He even looks at me and his grandpawrents with the same look of love in his eyes when he sees a ball or frisbee! Even on days when I’m feeling very poorly he comes upstairs and lays with me and has snuggles. He’s such a sweet soul and I love him very much. I’m very lucky to be his dog mama!
Bertie is just the best – he’s got such high energy and a always making us laugh. He’s so loving and cuddly as well and I would love for him to win the treats !!
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My lovely dog selkie is a definitely a ‘Velcro’ dog, always at my side looking lovingly at me she deserves to win all the treats for being such a loving companion
This is Casper who always likes to take something he shouldn’t, in this photo he is saying “but you love me mummy!”
This is Buddy our 7 and a half month Golden Doodle! He loves the great outdoors and lots of snuggles on the the sofa with Mum at home. Bella and Bounce are his favourite treats! Xx
This is Murphy and his best ‘forgive me’ look after digging up the garden. Again.
This is Lottie, I know the photo is slightly blurry but it shows her energy and excitement perfectly. She is so sweet and loves attention and cuddles
Banjo gazing up at me as I work. He gets me through the day!
Sally posing for the camera! 🐶
This is Rufus. He loves playing, he loves us and we love him.
Mother and daughter (Brighton & Xyla) looking admiringly towards the food corner impatiently giving their best “feed me now” faces
This is my mum and her sorely missed Freya strutting their stuff at Crufts a few years ago. The connection between the two was perfect and Freya will forever be remembered as “The Princess”
My little rescue, Bella, with her ‘butter wouln’t melt in my mouth’ look
No, it certainly wouldn’t! 💕
Our Greek rescue Jazz…she was hoping that this cute begging ‘I love you Mum’ look, might get her a bit of chicken!!
Meg, my gorgeous 9 month old Sprocker, in her favourite place…
My gorgeous girl Sky and my human baby, both so loving 🥰
Tadoe my gorgeous American Akita
Shelby, my gorgeous working cocker spaniel.
My little boy Rolo who is so in love with my bump! The way he snuggles in to it and stares at me with those gorgeous eyes just melts me and makes me realise what a great big brother he will be to the baby when he arrives! Xx
Max 😍
Entered on behalf of Max’s Mum
This is my six month old Springer spaniel pup Holly. She loves me when I play ball with her!