Showing 4 Result(s)
When is Grain-Free not Grain-Free

When Is Grain-Free Not Grain-Free?

When is Grain-Free not Grain-Free? I’ve just been wandering through the UK’s major online marketplace checking out the dog treats and food – it’s a hobby of mine – possibly unique (although I don’t think I’m popping it on a CV anytime soon). Anyway, on my wanderings, I discovered some top-selling dental chews that are …

How to help a choking dog feature photo of a husky looking serious

How to Help a Choking Dog in Five Steps

How to Help A Choking Dog Even the most cautious Pet Parent may be faced with their dog choking, so it’s important to know what to do if the situation occurs.  The clip below from the Penn Vet Working Dog Centre demonstrates how you can help a choking dog as well as how to perform …

Actions Speak Louder & Ingredients Shout Feature Photo. A black out lying in it's bed looking sad.

Actions Speak Louder & Ingredients Shout

Of course, there are good and bad things about getting older (not that I would have believed that when I was young). As we age, we begin to feel the effects our lives have had on our bodies. I developed grain sensitivities, which gave me a small taste of what our first dog Sorrel must …

Why is rawhide awful feature photo. A sad American bulldog lying on the floor looking sadly up at it's owner
Bounce and Bella Blog

Why is Rawhide AWFUL!?!

I used to give our dogs rawhide regularly. It was only after starting Bounce and Bella that I began to really question pet food industry norms, what did 100% chicken really mean? What were animal derivatives? Then I discovered rawhide was not what I thought it was – not at all. What do you think …