waiting dog
BB News

Nearly There…


Hello, you lovely Pet Parent, you! 

You’re just one week away from Black Friday.

It’s only been a year since the last time but it feels more like a decade.

What’s the last year been like for you?

For me, it feels like I’m aging in dog years.

I blame that saying ‘May you live in interesting times’.

No, may I not please – we’re aging in big dog years here – let’s have a bit of boring for a while please.

‘May you live in absolutely dull as dishwater times’, that’s a saying I can get behind.


However… We’ve made it through the year.

And that is Thanks to You.

Thanks to you and your support for our little family business that says No to Nasties.

No to the multinationals and all their many brands that add garbage into our dog’s treats just to make their shareholders in the Cayman Islands a little bit more profit.

We always see next weekend’s sale as a way to say Thank You for Your Support.

A thank you for sticking with us through our ups and downs.

A thank you for that time you told someone at the park about our poultry training treats.

A thank you for when you told your friend about the beef chews and directed them to Bounce and Bella.

Thank you.

Next weekend, our Thank You starts on Black Friday. We’ll be discounting all sorts of individual products giving your dog a chance to try some delicious new goodies.

Then on the following Monday it’s multipack madness, the perfect time to stockpile your dog’s favourites so you’re not left short over Christmas and New Year.

Look out for next week’s Black Friday week’s emails and have yourself a lovely weekend – because you rock!


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