BB News Competitions & Offers

Name that Chew

Name that Chew!

Hello, you lovely Pet Parent, you!

Our packaging is changing – we’re having a bit of a design overhaul.

You may have already got a bag of poultry treats with the brand new design.

We’re gradually working our way through all the treats and redesigning but we have a problem we need your help with…

We thought we’d come up with a snappier name for the ‘Chicken, Beef and Pork Meat Chews’ but we’re drawing a total blank.


Can you help name that chew?

Get in touch with your ideas by clicking the contact us link and in the message write:
name that chew – *your ideas
Simple as that.

If we choose your idea we’ll send you some of your dog’s favourite treats.

We won’t be able to reply back to everyone to thank you – so thank you in advance.

I’ll let you know the winner in a forthcoming Weds email – the competition ends  24/8/23

Good Luck!



If you do get some of the lovely new packaged poultry training treats @BounceandBella on Instagram or Facebook with a photo of them for another chance to win some of your dog’s favourite treats!


Back to the games next week 👍👍👍 



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binance registration
binance registration
6 hours ago

Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.