A Picture of a Black Pug sitting on the pavement with a veterinary cone around it's head.

Vets for Free

As pet parents, our dogs start showing us they are suffering, but we don’t know how bad it is, we wonder whether we should be getting in touch with the vets – is it serious enough? Are we wasting their time and ours?

Dogs hide injuries or illnesses...

However, dogs, because of their previous wolf lives, tend to hide injuries or illnesses.

Wolves deemed by the pack to be less likely to survive were the last to eat, thus becoming even weaker and even more vulnerable.

A pack of white wolves together on a snowy hill howling.

Because we’re often only seeing the tip of our dog’s difficulties, getting in touch with a vet is usually the proper action.

Of course – if your dog needs urgent attention – just get to the vets straight away.

But for other issues, thanks to the internet and some fantastic sites, you can get advice from Vets for free or at reasonable rates.

Reassurance and help

We’ve added sites below where you can get that reassurance and help.

They will be able to tell you if you really should be going into your local Vet’s practice or if it’s something you can easily remedy by buying something online or if it’s odd but nothing to worry about.

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If you need to use any of the sites – do let all of us pet parents know in the comments which site you’ve tried and how helpful they are. 

It’ll be incredibly useful for other pet parents considering which service to use.

And if you’ve found a site that’s not listed but worked for you – pop it in the comments too…

Asking Questions for Free

The Pets


Basic Consultations Free or Premium Membership Cancel Anytime

Pet GP

£1 per week Trial – Cancel anytime

Just Answer Dog Veterinary

Pricing Unclear

Pet Coach

Limited locations – Free Consultation in Vet Surgery

Animal Trust

“For owners that can’t afford private veterinary fees” Vet Surgery Limited Locations

Blue Cross

Pet Health Care Hub – Database of Common Issues

Pet Health Hub – PDSA

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[…] Every dog is different, so maybe some of these tips and tricks won’t work for your dog, but it is a complete trial and error process and one that should be consulted with a vet.  […]


[…] the issue – we’ve got you covered with a blog post dedicated to how to access the vets for free as […]